Oh Hell Card Game
Oh Hell is a trick-taking playing card game where you try to predict exactly how many tricks you will take for the hand. This version is for four players, you against three computer opponents. Oh Hell Online, Your Way. Let the fun and competition begin. Play the game s you love with friends and family or get matched with other live players at your level. Trickster Oh Hell offers customizable rules so you can play Oh Hell your way! Fast-paced, competitive and fun — for free! Get matched by skill to other live players. Oh Heck is a trick-taking card game using a standard 52 cards deck. To win, players try to score the most points. It is also known as Blob, Blackout, Oh Well!, Oh Hell!, Oh Pshaw!, Elevator, Up and Down the River, Contract Whist or Bust. Play Oh Hell and its variants in this freeware card game! - All Windows, 100% Freeware, no online logins, no ads, no viruses. Bid using your voice (optionally), and listen to computer players voice!
Oh Shit is a classic trick winning card game. Played with a full deck of standard playing cards without any Jokers. It is a close cousin to the game Oh Hell and has varying rules depending on where it is played. These are the rules that playohshit.com uses.
Game Objective
Oh Hell Card Game Free
The aim of the game is to score more points than your opponent.

There is a total of 19 rounds in the game. The number of cards dealt to each player is determined by the round. Ten cards are initially dealt and then one less each consecutive round until only one card is being dealt. After the one card round an additionally card is dealt each round until there are 10 cards dealt.
Starting the game
Oh Hell Card Game Scorecard
The following steps are repeated for each round:
- Cards are dealt starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
- The trump suit is shown (see trumps).
- Each player makes their bid for the round starting with the player to the left of the dealer (see bidding and scoring).
- The player to the left of the dealer plays a card of their choice.
- In a clockwise direction each player plays a card. If a player can follow suit they must.
- After each player has played their cards the trick is evaluated. The person who played the highest card of the lead suit (the suit the first player played) wins the trick. The only exception would be if a player could not follow suit and trumped the trick. Under these circumstances the person who played the highest trump wins the trick.
- The person who won the trick then leads the next trick.
- Steps 5 - 7 are repeated until all cards have been played.
- Record the scores and deal the next round.(see scoring and bidding)
The Value of Cards
Card values from lowest to highest are: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, A. Hence an ace would beat any other card and a 2 would beat nothing. The exception to these values is if a card is a trump. The highest trump card is the Jack of the trump suit and the Jack of the same colour also becomes a trump and is the second highest card in the game. Hence, if spades was trumps the highest valued card in the game would be the Jack of Spades and the second highest would be the Jack of Clubs. Under these circumstance the Jack of Clubs would be played at any time a spade could be played.
Trump Suit
After the cards are dealt each round, a card is turned over and its suit is declared the trump for the round. A trump like any other suit can only be played if it is lead or if a player does not have any cards of the suit that was lead. However, unlike other suits, if a player can't follow suit and instead plays a trump the highest trump will beat all other cards regardless of their values. Hence, if spades was trumps, a player lead with the Ace of Hearts, the next player didn't have any hearts and instead chose to play a Two of Spades because it is a trump card the second player would win the trick.
As noted earlier the Jack of a trump suit is the highest card in the game. Furthermore, the Jack of the same colour in the off-suit is the second highest. The off-suit trump for the all purposes in the round becomes the trump suit.
Scoring and Bidding
At the beginning of each round, after looking at their cards, players bid how many tricks they expect to win. Bidding starts with the player to the left of the dealer. As a result, the dealer always bids last. The dealer may not make a bid that will result in the sum of player bids for the round being equal to the number of cards in the round.
At the end of each round, players are awarded one point for each trick they won. Furthermore, players who achieve their bid exactly are awarded a bonus 10 points for the round. Notably, players who win more than what they bid do not receive the bonus points.
External Links
Read about Oh Hell! rules and other great card games.
Oh Heck is a trick-taking card game using a standard 52 cards deck. To win, players try to score the most points. It is also known as Blob, Blackout, Oh Well!, Oh Hell!, Oh Pshaw!, Elevator, Up and Down the River, Contract Whist or Bust.
How to get started
Oh Heck is multiplayer! You can play with a total of 2-6 players. To get started, enter a name for yourself (ex: 'player-1') and a room name. The room name can be anything you like (ex: 'Joan's room' 1). If you're playing with others, they can join your game by using the same room name.
Once you select Play Oh Heck, you'll see the other players who have joined the room and an option to Start Game. Be sure all other players have joined before you start the game. They will not be able to join after you start the game.
A typical round
Oh Heck has several multi-turn rounds. Each round, cards are dealt to each player. On the first round, the entire deck is evenly dealt to all players. In future rounds, players will get one fewer card, until each player only gets one card. After that, players will get one more card per round, until once again the entire deck is dealt out to all players. The number of total rounds depends on the number of players: 20 for 2-3 players, 15 for 4 players, 12 for 5 players, and 10 for 6 players.
A card is also dealt for the trump card, which is used to determine the winner of a 'trick' (see 'Winning a trick'). If the trump card is empty, there is no trump card.
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At the beginning of the round, starting with the player to the left of the dealer (👑), each player will make a bid on the number of 'tricks' will be won by that player in the round. The bid can range from 0 to the total number of cards dealt in the round. The last player cannot bid such that the sum of all the bid equals the number of cards in hand. For example, in a two player game where each player has ten cards, if player 1 bids 4, then player 2 cannot bid 6.
Next, starting to the left of the dealer, players will complete a turn by placing one card on the table. Play a card by dragging it onto the table. You can also double-click it on it if you're not on a phone. Players must follow the suit of the first card played. If the player does not have that suit, then the player is free to play any card.
Once each player has played a card, the player who won the trick can be determined (see 'Winning a trick'). The player who won the trick then starts the next turn.
Players will keep taking turns until everyone runs out of cards dealt for the round.
At the end of each round, scoring will be tallied based on tricks bid vs. tricks won (see 'Scoring'), and the dealer will rotate to the next player.
Winning a trick
On a given turn, the player who won the trick is determined as follows: the highest card of the trump suit wins the trick. Otherwise, the highest card of the suit of the first card played wins the trick.
At the end of a round, the scoring is calculated as follows: 1 point for each trick won, and a 10 point bonus if you've won the exact number of tricks that you've bid.
Any more questions? Feel free to contact us at buddyboardgames@gmail.com