Advanced Limit Holdem Strategy
- Advanced Limit Holdem Strategy
- Advanced No Limit Hold'em Strategy
- Advanced Poker Strategy Texas Holdem
- Advanced Limit Hold'em Strategy
No Limit Holdem Advanced Strategy Your Typical No Limit Holdem Game I think there is a problem with most strategy books available for no limit holdem: They are all based on the premise that you are going to be playing against good opponents. Sure there are going to be some decent players at any level - at least hard to get money. ADVANCED LIMIT HOLD'EM STRATEGY by Frederick Barthelme in All of our Poker Books for $26.95. We have the largest selection of gambling books in the world.
- Title:
- Advanced Limit Hold'em Strategy
- Author:
- Barry Tanenbaum
- Publisher:
- D & B Publishing
- Date:
- 2007
- 978-1-904468-363
- Pages:
- 247
- Price:
- $
Reviewed by Nick Christenson,
October 5, 2007No-limit hold'em may be all the rage right now, but in the United Statesthere are still far more limit hold'em games spread in public card roomsthan anything else, probably more than all other games types combined.A plethora of books are available for those who are beginners to low limithold'em, but much less is available for experienced players who are looking to win at the middle and upper limits. Barry Tanenbaum has had success in these games for many years. Finally, he shares some of the secrets to his poker success in his aptly named new book, Advanced Limit Hold'em Strategy.
Tanenbaum is a successful player, a long-time poker columnist, a well respected public speaker on poker matters, and a successful poker coach. Not only does he have considerable knowledge of and insight into the game, but his magazine columns, seminar appearances, and coaching practice affords him a great deal of experience in communicating these ideas to poker students. Consequently, his ideas are clear and precise as they come through on the printed page.
About the first third of the book contains necessary material outliningTanenbaum's approach to the game, setting the stage for the subsequentdiscussion of strategic details. At times, this part feels a little dry, but this foundation is necessary for the specific advice that follows. These fundamentals are referred to constantly in later parts of the text,so the reader should not merely skim through them on their way to themeat of the book.
Part 2, the balance of the book, covers poker situations that a playercommonly faces in mid limit to upper limit games, where the stakes arehigh and the opposition is tough and aggressive. Those who haven't played in these games will almost certainly be surprised at the sorts of situations that are described, as well as the way the author recommends playing them. However, this is the way that bigger limit hold'em games are played, and Tanenbaum knows well what it takes to show a long-term profit in them.

Tanenbaum's advice is clearly communicated, carefully thought out, andincisive. I believe his analyses of these poker situations are verystrong, and he often discusses aspects to hands that did not immediatelyoccur to me. His strategic advice is liberally sprinkled with examplesthat are perfectly constructed to elaborate on the points he makes. In so many places he provides so much good advice, that I expect that multiple readings will prove necessary for most poker players to extract everythingthat Tanenbaum has to teach.
If I had to come up with one complaint with the book, it's that Tanenbaum'sadvice is precisely tailored for the aggressive mid to upper limit hold'em games that one finds in public card rooms. I'm not at all certain thatsome of these plays work as well in lower limit games or less aggressivegames at these stakes. It appears to me that many of the strategies Tanenbaum employs are designed to exploit tendencies in many of the playertypes who inhabit those games played with higher denomination chips. They may not show the same long-term results if the composition is significantly different than what the author assumes here.

This doesn't mean that those who play the way Tanenbaum suggests willbe losers against less aggressive players, but they might not extract as much money from such games as they might with other strategies. Often, the author points out which of his tactics are specifically designed to exploit some of the super-aggressive playing styles that are common at his limits, but I'm not certain that he does so as thoroughly as he might.
As a whole, though, Advanced Limit Hold'em Strategy morethan lives up to its title. This is a very strong book filled with excellent analyses of how to play and win in middle limit hold'em gamesand beyond. I expect those who are trying to move up the limit hold'emladder will gain a great deal from this book, I know I did. Consequently,I strongly recommend it for those who play in these games or are lookingto do so. This is one of the better strategic poker books I've read in quite a while.

Advanced Limit Holdem Strategy
Advanced No Limit Hold'em Strategy
The title of Barry Tanenbaum's Advanced Limit Hold'em Strategyis well deserved. This book is filled with good advice for those whoare looking to beat middle and upper limit hold'em cash games. The author'sexperience as a columnist and coach shines through with strategies thatare easy to understand and examples that illustrate their concepts perfectly. This is a very strong book for those who play middle and upper limit hold'em, and I expect those who study it will get a greatdeal of mileage from it.

Advanced Poker Strategy Texas Holdem

Advanced Limit Hold'em Strategy
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